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This degree provides students with a strong core of knowledge in economic theory. Students will learn to apply economic theory in the analysis of a wide-array of problems and real life situations. They will develop a deeper understanding of the workings of the economy. Students will understand how different economic agents (such as consumers and producers) interact in the market and how government intervention affects their behavior. Students will develop the skills to identify economic problems and apply critical thinking to find and evaluate solutions.

The program provides advanced fundamental, humanitarian, socio-economic, pedagogical, theoretical and practical training. The program includes:


  • Balancing courses – Mathematics and basics of Modelling; Economics; Russian/Ukrainian language; History and Culture of Ukraine, etc.

  • Humanitarian cycle - Methodology of scientific research, Actual problems of philosophy, Professional foreign language, Higher education and Bologna process, etc.;

  • Cycle of fundamental modules - Economic dynamics, Economic modelling, Applied econometrics, Input-output balance models, etc.;

  • Cycle of applied modules - Industrial Economics, Labour markets, World economy and globalization, Project management, E-commerce, Actuarial calculations, etc


If you would like to graduate and step directly into the role of a professional economist, this is the degree to choose. This is also the best option for students planning to undertake postgraduate studies in Economics. Recent graduates of Applied Economics have found employment with several government ministries, including The Ministry of Foreign Affairs; with major corporations and with a variety of other firms.

Economists are highly sought after by the private and public sector, big and small firms, large international agencies, schools and universities, economic policy makers, and social organisations. With a Bachelor of Applied Economics, you can join the world of business in one of the careers below.


  • Business Analyst

  • Economic Consultant

  • Energy Research Officer

  • Environmental Economist

  • Financial Policy Advisor

  • Graduate Economist

  • Health Economist

  • International Economist

  • Institution Development Coordinator

  • Lecturer in Economics

  • Microeconomic Analyst

  • Policy Analyst

  • Trainee Dealer

Applied Economics 

EduCare, Since 2004

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